Taxapillar Services
Terms and Conditions

Summary of Terms and Conditions

The service agreement terms establish a legal bond between you and your clientele, making it obligatory for both parties.

Without proper terms of service agreement, your website will be vulnerable to legal issues. This includes the offer presented through the rules and regulations of the website, along with your acceptance demonstrated by your continued use of the site and agreement to the terms and privacy policy. Ensure your protection by having a comprehensive and well-crafted agreement in place.

Pricing Summary
Market Price:₹0
Taxpiller:₹837 excl. GST
GST Credit:₹151
You Save:₹363 (30%)

Terms and Conditions

What are the various components in website privacy Policies?

·         The website's policy will solely outline the specific details necessary for its functioning, including personal information like name, email address, phone number, etc. These requirements will be tailored accordingly to suit the specific preferences of the service or product.

·         The user is required to provide information for various policies, each with its own distinct objectives. These aims may include maintaining internal records, ensuring efficient delivery of goods, among others.


To prevent unauthorized usage or access to the information provided by users, specific security measures are implemented. This precaution ensures that only authorized administrators are allowed to access the content, keeping it secure.

Connections to Different Websites

·         At times, one may come across a website that includes references to additional webpages. Normally, upon exploring a website, various hyperlinks will navigate you to other corresponding webpages.

·         In view of this, the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy of the Website will clearly outline its structure and prompt users to visit any additional links leading to external sites. Please be aware that if you choose to disclose any information on these external sites, the Website cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy or security of such information.

Policy regarding cancellations

 ·         At times, while exploring websites that offer services or products, you may find yourself placing an order online. However, an unexpected change of mind might lead you to want to cancel that order. Thankfully, certain websites and apps provide a swift cancellation option, while others ought to incorporate the choice to cancel orders.

     ·         To facilitate such cancellations, a comprehensive cancellation policy is devised, presenting all the terms and conditions pertaining to the cancellation of placed orders for services or products.

Policy on Reimbursement

The refund policy, commonly found in the terms and conditions of a website, specifically deals with the process of reimbursing customers. Typically, refunds are applicable in two instances:

  • The product may be returned for various reasons, such as not liking it, receiving a damaged item, getting the wrong product, or any other reason specified in advance.
  • Another scenario is when an order made online, for which the payment has already been made, is cancelled on the website/application.

All the essential refund information, including the reimbursement process, methodology, and additional particulars, will be comprehensively outlined within the refund policy.

Website Disclaimer

A website disclaimer serves as a notification to individuals visiting your website or blog regarding the extent of your responsibilities. These disclaimers can exist as independent sections on a website or as components within legal paperwork such as privacy policies or terms and conditions agreements.

A disclaimer that is skillfully composed has the capacity to:

A disclaimer is an essential component of any website, even though its presence often goes unnoticed. It is imperative that your website includes a disclaimer as well.

Policy Regarding the Use of Cookies

The presence of a cookie policy on your website serves as a valuable tool to inform your visitors about the specific cookies that are operational, highlighting the type of user data these cookies monitor, the intended purpose behind their usage, and the destinations to which this acquired data is transmitted across the globe.

In order to comply with legal obligations, it is customary for most website owners to incorporate a cookie policy within their comprehensive privacy policy. Alternatively, you may opt to create a dedicated section exclusively addressing your website's cookie policy.

Policy on Shipping

When an online order is made, a concise document or webpage called a shipping policy provides essential details regarding shipping. This document typically covers key information such as shipping charges and protocols, estimated delivery times, and additional particulars.

Different shipping policies vary in terms of their level of comprehensiveness. However, it is essential for all policies to exhibit clarity, precision, and simplicity in order to be easily understood by customers. Additionally, customers are provided with supplementary details like return and exchange policies, which give them a comprehensive overview before making a purchase decision.

Policy on Deliveries

A company's delivery procedures are outlined in a written document called a delivery policy. Within this document, one can find information about the anticipated delivery timeframe, costs associated with shipping, locations where delivery is offered, as well as the various methods employed for delivery.

Advantages of the Terms of Service

  • Clients should be informed of the conditions under which the services are provided. Transparency is achieved through a set of policies that establish boundaries and legal obligations between both parties.
  • Online service providers commonly use contracts that are legally binding and subject to change without prior notice. As a result, e-commerce stores must include a privacy policy on their websites.
  • This policy should outline the information that is collected, how it is protected, and any sharing or selling practices with other companies, researchers, or sellers.