Taxapillar Services
Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows a person to act for another, as per the Power of Attorney Act 1882. The power is granted for several reasons such as the granter being abroad or incapable due to illness. The one who grants authority is called the donor. This makes it a preferred choice because it takes care of all duties without burdening the original person. Several forms of Power of Attorney (POA) exist, including:

  • General POA
  • Specific POA
  • Deed of revocation of POA
  • Durable POA
  • Non-durable POA

Our legal team can listen to your particular needs and provide suitable advice on the type of POA that would best serve your interest. It is normally best to give POA to someone you trust and who is fully aware of your needs. They will use this POA to act according to your preferences. A POA document can be created by legal professionals who will clearly outline the specific aspects of your needs. Taxapillar is a reputable organisation that can assist with this process.

Pricing Summary
Market Price:₹0
Taxpiller:₹837 excl. GST
GST Credit:₹151
You Save:₹363 (30%)

Power of Attorney

Steps to acquire Power of Attorney

Step 1: Initiate a conversation with our experienced legal practitioners. They will be responsible for drafting an appropriate Power of Attorney (POA) for your needs.

Step 2: Our legal professionals will engage with you by posing generic queries and understanding your specific needs.

Step 3: The lawyer will collate and record all the necessary information, and proceed to draft your POA.

Step 4: Next, the POA must be signed with two witnesses present. The witnesses will also need to provide their signatures.

Step 5: A legal notary must then validate the POA by signing.

Step 6: The final step involves paying the stamp duty. Please note, the amount to be paid may vary depending on the type of POA that has been drafted.

Why Choose Us?

The POA should be accurate in legal and factual terms. Hence, it is wise to seek assistance from legal experts who specialize in this field when drafting a POA.

  • Expertise: Taxapillar boasts a team of legal experts familiar with the ins and outs of drafting a POA, including procedural and legal requirements.
  • Comprehensive: We ensure that all pertinent information and crucial details are incorporated into your POA.
  • Value for Money: In case there are modifications needed, we offer two iterations without any additional charge.
  • Client-Focused & Ethical Service: Our service is always designed with the clients' needs in mind, providing you with a reliable and ethical service.

Advantages of Having Power of Attorney

  1. Eases Decision-Making Load: The responsibility of deciding on significant matters is alleviated.
  2. Offers a Different Perspective: The involvement of another person brings in a variety of insights during decision-making.
  3. Encourages Stakeholder Expression: Power of attorney provides a platform for stakeholders to voice their viewpoints more openly.
  4. Donor Intent Remains Unquestioned: The desires and wishes of the donor stay put, and are not subject to scrutiny.
  5. Reduces Legal and Financial Complications: The process of carrying out legal and financial procedures is simplified, minimizing unnecessary complexities.
  6. Assured Peace of Mind for the Donor: Offering the power of attorney can provide the donor with a sense of tranquility and assurance.